Rush Team Wiki

This article contains all of the tips appearing at the bottom of the Rush Team WebGL version. This article will not be holding general tips about getting better at the game. All tips except one are aimed to help Rush Team run smoother in your computer.

All The In-Game Tips

  • "Try the game in Google Chrome and Firefox and see which web browser gives you the best performances. Also, keep your web browser up to date."
  • "While playing the game, do not open multiple tabs to watch Youtube videos or navigate other websites, instead open a new instance of your web browser to navigate other content."
  • "Create your clan on our website, meet friends and enjoy the fight!"
  • "Rest assured that we are working very hard on the game to improve your experience and performance on the WebGL version. However, most of the performance improvements need to be done by the web browser vendors."

*All the tips in this article are word-for-word, except for a few minor grammatical adjustments.
